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Chase Stewart


Chase here is the in game swing we captured down in Vegas a few weeks ago.  Its nice to finally get some game footage to take a look at.  Basically what we see here is the same stuff we have talked about for the past few weeks.

I really dont want to give you to many things to worry about at one time, or get to complicated until we have built up a solid base, so we will just focus on a few things that I think are very important.  Number 1 is your swing plane, which may be the most important part of the swing,  this chopping motion you have been taught is very very wrong.


Secondly, your swing is a very "handsy" one.   By that I mean your hands are dominating your swing.  The hands and shoulder should be working together during the swing rather than independently.    The swing needs to be powered by our hips, the big muscles in our body not the small muscles of the arms and hands.  

Watch Pete Rose, as he rotates, are his arms pushing or are they being pulled?  

From the side view,  as Pujols turns, watch how long his hands stay with his shoulder, in your swing the leave each other almost instantly.

The last thing we will touch on his separation.  As our body moves forward, and our hips needs to begin to open just as the front foot is reaching the ground, as well our hands should be working up/back.  Our two halves are working in diffferent directions, this is what we call separation. "Our hips leading the way", will provide us with a hip driven swing, as wel as allowing adjustability to the swing.

Donaldsons moves are pretty big and obvious, so he is a good guy to study.  Watch that as he works forward his hands work back behind his shoulder and right before his foot hits the ground his hips begin to open.

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