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Ethan Kano McGregor

Ethan I mentioned this to you last week.  Our hips during the forward move of our swing should move forward roughly 6 inches or so.  Watch where your hips begins.  There is a pole in the background the starts right at your hip.  By the end of your swing your hips is in the exact same spot. This is causing you to keep your weight on your backside and making it impossible for you to adjust to different pitch types.  This problem causes you to reach for the ball, unless the ball is basically the perfect speed and location. This is the reason for why the majority of your hard hit balls are yanked foul.  Watch the foward moves of the hitters below.  You will see them carry their weight forward landing on a bent front leg.

This forward move is going to help the adjustablity of your swing, you will be able to let the ball come to you and hit it deeper in your swing rather than reaching for the ball and hitting it out in front of your body as well as allowing your hips to work more effiecently.

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