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Matthew Ponte

So far I am sure you’re not super happy with your results at the plate, but looking over everyones swings I like yours more than many.  You do some really good things, for one your legs are awesome, you have a good forward move with your hips, and they begin to open  right before your foot hits the ground, which is exactly what we want.   What I want to focus on is your load,  right now you’re loading with your hands, your hands load straight backwards which is resulting in your lead arm barring out (to straight).  What I want you to think about is loading with your rear shoulder.  We want your shoulder/elbow to move our hands rather than just pushing your hands backwards.  There should be zero tension in our arms during the load, looking at your arms they seem very very tense.  Watch the load below of Donaldson, you can see how less tension there is in his arms, and how his rear shoulder is moving his hands.  


As we have talked about many times, we want our tempo to be early and slow, you get into the habit of moving very fast with your leg lift and load which results in your front foot getting down much to early and creating some timing problems.  Watch how early and controlled Donaldson is during his swing, this is what we want.  

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