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Nick LaFlamme

Pardon the poor video, Rempel was in charge of this and apparently its his first time.  We have talked before NIck, your hands are fast as all hell, but you rely on them far to much and this creates problems.  Rather than swinging with your whole body you have a very hand driven swing, which will work in lower levels of baseball but the higher you get the less successful you will become with this swing.  What we need to do is introduce a proper load into this swing.  Without getting complicated this load will allow you to start your swing later, it will help keep your front shoulder in longer and will create a much more powerful swing.  Creating a better load is a very common problem on our team but I am not sure anyone will benefit more from it than you.  Watch these swings below and really focus on how there players load differs from yours.

Notice how these guys are loading with their rear shoulder, their shoulder (focus on the elbow) are pulling there hands back behind their back shoulder, and their hands dont push forward, rather they are pulled forward by that shoulder.  I cant not stress enough how important this part of the swing is to you, you do not need to do exactly what these guys are doing but we need to find something your comfterable with, dont be scared to experiment with loading the hands down to up.

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