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Ryan Hamilton

Ryan, I really like the actions of your lower body, you have a good forward move and use your hips quite well.  The BIG thing that we need to create in your swing is a load with your hands and shoulders.  When you watch your swing just focus on your hands.  They really do nothing in this swing, they just sit by your shoulder and then you push the knob towards the ball.  We want to create a load that will result in your hands being pulled behind your shoulder and then your shoulder pulls them to the ball rather than just throwing your hands at it.  Their are muscles much bigger in your body than there are in your hands, we need to use those muscles.

Watch the loads of some of the best hitters in the world below.  You should notice a massive difference.  We want to think about loading with our shoulder, the shoulder should pull the hands back/up allowing the hands to be pulled behind our shoulder, then instead of swinging with your hands, it should feel like our back shoulder is driving to the ball.  Your load does not need to be as big as these hitters but we need to create a load that you feel comfterable with.

As I am sure you can see there is a lot more going on is these swings than with yours in terms of the hand movement.  This load will help with so many aspects of your swing, this needs to be your main focus going forward.

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